Start by improving business operations.

- Arent’s DX Strategy
- 汎用的な業務には市販のアプリケーションを導入し、自社特有の業界固有の業務にはカスタマイズされたSaaSを開発します。これらのシステムをAPIを通じて相互に連携することで、シームレスなシステム構築を実現します。
- 各機能が独立したサービスとして稼働しているため、スケールアウトが容易で、必要な機能を必要な時に追加や削除が可能です。
- アプリをAPIで連携するメリットには、追加機能の容易な導入、保守運用費の削減、初期費用の低減による重点分野への再投資、業務特化型で使いやすいシステムの提供、レガシー化やブラックボックス化の回避などがあります。
- DX Strategy with BIM
- BIM×自動化でコア技術をSaaS化
- BIM導入の課題
- BIMの自動化とそのメリット
What is BIM
- アプリストア型にはアジャイル開発を
経済産業省が発行するDXレポート2では、デジタル技術と市場の動向に素早く適応するためのアジャイル開発の重要性を強調しています。 市場や顧客ニーズが絶えず変化する現代において、ユーザーが満足するプロダクトを提供するにはアジャイル開発が必須です。
View details on note
*Some projects are currently in progress.- PlantStreamArent × Chiyoda Corporation
Autonomous CAD for eliminating inefficiencies in plant design
Tacit knowledge of construction designers is often described as knack or intuition. Being ahead of anyone in the world, Arent has unraveled the secrets and developed a technology to turn the tacit knowledge into formulae, enabling high-speed design far exceeding human knowledge.
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- Inclusive NaviArent × Shimizu Corporation
Indoor navigation and seat availability information.
Oftentimes, it is difficult to navigate through large facilities and to find seat availability information. With the navigation app, you can now easily navigate your way through them and find seat availability information.
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- Development of a disaster preparedness and visualization platformArent × NEXCO EAST
Real-time tracking of road conditions in times of disaster
The challenge was to recreate disaster-affected road conditions. Its goal is to create a digital twin for disaster-preparedness training by linking 3D maps with various data and by recreating the weather conditions.
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- Lightning BIM
- Architecture/Structure
A software for leading the evolution of BIM, which helps you reduce work while preserving creativity
“Lightning BIM Automatic and Optimal Rebar Layout” is a software program for facilitating the burdensome, time-consuming work of laying out rebars in all phases of a project, including structural analysis, preparation of structural drawings, consideration of fit and finish, and preparation of working drawings and rebar specifications sheet. Not only does it conform to Autodesk Revit, a global CAD software, it also accommodates the needs in Japan.
- PlantStream
- Plants/Piping
- Plants/Process
“Turning experts’ knowledge into algorithms”
The industrial plant industry had serious design-related issues such as personnel burden and environmental burden that had been left untouched. PlantStream was launched with a goal of bringing a definitive solution to the world by developing and providing an autonomous CAD software. It succeeded in turning experienced engineers’ expertise into algorithms and in digitizing work. As opposed to the conventional pipe routing method that would take four hours per pipe, the new solution is capable of determining the layout of 1,000 pipes per minute. This success led to the breakaway from the labor-intensive business model and also to the discovery of a clue to solving the problem of decline in the working population.
*Listed in a Japanese alphabetical order.WHITE PAPER
- Tackling the issues of the construction industry.
At Arent, we offer consulting and co-development services centering on the construction industry while also actively working on in-house development.How are we going to create new businesses? How are we going to help large corporations succeed in incorporating the lean startup approach? We have put together white papers on our vision toward the realization of true DX, featuring some of our past projects.They contain extensive data and are also useful in preparing proposal material. Click the links below to see the content.